Bible Study.


Good Seed International

GoodSeed exists to provide tools and training to communicate clearly the central message of the Bible. Look for Bible 101 which is an 11 hour self study to help you get started.

Look at the Book.

Look at the Book an online method of teaching the Bible. It's an ongoing series of 8-12 minute videos in which the camera is on the text, not the teacher, Pastor John, who writes on the text and explains the Bible passage.


Popular Christian author Francis Chan provides brief video teaching of how to read and understand different parts of the Bible (see Part Three of the video series).

The Bible Project.

The Bible Project is a non-profit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. They create videos, podcasts, and study guides that explore the Bible’s unified story.

Read Scripture App.

The goal of the Read Scripture app is that everyone would read the Bible for themselves and discover the truth and beauty of God’s Word. To this end, they have curated a year-long Bible reading plan and supplemented the reading with Bible Project videos.

Precept Ministries.

Resources to dig deep into the Bible through Inductive Bible Studies for adults and kids.