Why We Give.
We want to be God’s conduits to bless and care for others.
We give to God what He’s entrusted to us.
Giving of our time, talents, and resources (financial or otherwise) is not an easy thing to commit to. In order to tithe, it may mean doing without certain things, making sacrifices, or may put you in a position of having to completely rely on God. Your support is incredibly important - nothing is too small or insignificant. Ask the Lord what He would have you give, and if you have any questions about why we tithe, or how to give, contact the office at cariboocommunitychurch@hotmail.com.
Giving finances, either as cash, cheque or debit, is best done at 35 Oliver at our Giving Station. Remember to fill out an envelop if you wish to receive a year end tax receipt.
Bank e-transfers can be directed to cariboocommunitychurch@hotmail.com.
Automatic Withdrawal.
Automatic withdrawals are simple after the initial set up through your bank. Pick up a form from the Giving Station at 35 Oliver or call the office at 250-305-2785 for more information.